This week in science we learned that magnets don't stick to all metals. They don't stick to pennies but a 2008 penny did stick. We made magnets out of sewing needles. Magents work through paper, plastic bags and cups, water and even Ms. R's hand!
We wrote stories about our spiders as if we were the spiders, because spiders can't write (they aren't real... we made them). My spider's name is Ashley (Grace) and mine is David (Kevin). We learned how to make paper cranes out of a flat piece of paper and folded it into a 3D crane.
Carol-Ann the poet came to visit us. She taught us some of her poems, she read some poems out of books. One book was called "Do Buses Eat Kids?". The photo shows her teaching us how to do the actions to the words of the poem and then we repeated them.
We made caramel apples for a treat for Halloween. We used caramels that we took the wrappers off of and melted them in a big pot. We dipped the apples in the caramel. There was parade and a class party where we ate some food and watched the Lego Sports movie.
We learned how to do the ASL signs to go with our Peace song that we will sing at the Remembrance Day assembly. We painted poppies using red and black paint. We wrote about what peace means and taped the story, the paper crane and the poppies on black paper and they are now on the bulletin board in the hall.
In math we started to measure things using rulers, metre sticks and measuring tapes. We learned a new class cheer. The Book Fair is this week and goes until Friday. We started a read aloud called "Stink and the Super Stinky Sneaker Contest". The book is really gross in a funny way. Stink went to a museum where he went inside a nose and a mouth and said it was the smelliest trip ever.
Good bye from Kevin and Grace
I really enjoyed reading your blog. I
wish that I could be a student in Ms R's class. I don't remember getting to make caramel apples and reading stinky gross books and I definitely never got to try the drums in grade school. Good luck with the typing. I can't remember how many words I could type in a minute but I was really fast!
Cole's mom
Thanks for your comments. The students do some amazing work. Ask Cole to sing you our new class cheer..."Believe it or not..."
The students are learning how to type so that they can get into the correct keystroke habit. I think one of the best courses I ever took was typing in grade 8 (where they painted over the keys so you couldn't see the letters!)
From Ms. R
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