Sunday, December 21, 2008
Last News for 2008!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Update from Ms. R
* FOOD DRIVE Please bring non-perishable food (in cans, jars or boxes) for our schools food drive to help those people in the city in need.
Dec. 16 (PM) - Scientists in the Schools
Dec. 18 (AM) - Our Italian Feast
Dec. 18 (evening) - Holiday Concert - 6:30 to 7:30
Dec. 19 - Last day of class
Jan. 5 - First day of class for 2009
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 10 News
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Update from Ms. R
On the afternoon of December 16 "Scientists in the Schools" will be visiting our classroom. We need 3 adults to help us out. If you are interested please write a note in your child's agenda and I will get back to you.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
December 3 News
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Update from Ms. R
Important dates:
1. December 1 - Report Cards go home today.
2. December 3 (AM) - Trip to see the play "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"
3. December 4 (evening) and December 5 (AM - no classes) - Parent/teacher interviews
4. December 16 (PM) - Scientists in the Schools visit
5. December 18 (evening) - Winter Concert
6. December 20 - January 5 - Winter Holidays
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
November 26 News
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
November 19 News
This week we wrote stories using "textless" (that means a book that has pictures but no words) books. My story was about a skipping mouse named Alex (Eric). My story was about some rabbits that took some balloons to a house and caused some trouble there (Hodman).
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Update from Ms. R
On Thursday, we counted 50 school days. Of course that means 50 pictures of Mr. Lee in his crazy shirts. Here is a video of some of the shirts so far.
Important Dates:
1. November 27 - Multi-cultural Night (flyer sent home on Friday)
2. December 1 - Report Cards go home
3. December 4 (evening) & December 5 (morning) - Parent/Teacher interviews
4. December 4 - P.A. Day - no classes
5. December 18 - Holiday Concert (evening)
6. December 20 to January 6 - Winter holidays
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November 12 News
This is our peace writing, our painted peace poppies and our folded paper cranes. This photo is of Ms. Adeodu our new student teacher. She is helping the star student with the morning message.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Update from Ms. R
1. November 3-9 - Book Fair - Our class visit day is Monday Nov.3 and children are encouraged to bring money to purchase books.
2. November 11 - Remembrance Day Assembly - 10:45 AM - Our class will perform - families are welcome.
3. December 1 - Report cards go home
4. December 4 (evening) and December 5 (morning) - Parent-Teacher interviews
5. December 4 - P.A. Day - no classes
Here is a video of Edie Shaw teaching our class drumming.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 5 News
This week in science we learned that magnets don't stick to all metals. They don't stick to pennies but a 2008 penny did stick. We made magnets out of sewing needles. Magents work through paper, plastic bags and cups, water and even Ms. R's hand!
We wrote stories about our spiders as if we were the spiders, because spiders can't write (they aren't real... we made them). My spider's name is Ashley (Grace) and mine is David (Kevin). We learned how to make paper cranes out of a flat piece of paper and folded it into a 3D crane.
Carol-Ann the poet came to visit us. She taught us some of her poems, she read some poems out of books. One book was called "Do Buses Eat Kids?". The photo shows her teaching us how to do the actions to the words of the poem and then we repeated them.
We made caramel apples for a treat for Halloween. We used caramels that we took the wrappers off of and melted them in a big pot. We dipped the apples in the caramel. There was parade and a class party where we ate some food and watched the Lego Sports movie.
We learned how to do the ASL signs to go with our Peace song that we will sing at the Remembrance Day assembly. We painted poppies using red and black paint. We wrote about what peace means and taped the story, the paper crane and the poppies on black paper and they are now on the bulletin board in the hall.
In math we started to measure things using rulers, metre sticks and measuring tapes. We learned a new class cheer. The Book Fair is this week and goes until Friday. We started a read aloud called "Stink and the Super Stinky Sneaker Contest". The book is really gross in a funny way. Stink went to a museum where he went inside a nose and a mouth and said it was the smelliest trip ever.
Good bye from Kevin and Grace
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Update from Ms. R
Halloween OR The visit of Carol-Ann Hoyte (poet) to our classroom
Important Dates:
1. November 3-9 - Book Fair - Our class visit day is Monday Nov.3 and children are encouraged to bring money to purchase books.
2. November 11 - Remembrance Day Assembly - 10:45 AM - Our class will perform - families are welcome.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
October 29 News
This week we wrote scary stories. Mine is about a boy who went to a haunted house and the ghosts and witches were not very nice to him (Parsa). My story is about a witch and she lived in a haunted house and the the witch did not like kids very much (Nicole).
In math we worked with numbers. We talked about addition and subtraction with two and three digit numbers. Addition is easier that subtraction!
In science we learned about magnets. We tried magnets on different things and we found out that most metal things stick to magnets. They didn't stick to the doorknob, Ms. R's keys or the front green blackboard (but it did stick to the morning message blackboard!?). Today we made magnets by rubbing a sewing needle on a magnet and trying to pick up paper clips.
We learned a song for Remembrance Day called Peace. We will perform the song in front of the school.
We made spiders from styrofoam balls, black pipe cleaners, black paint, glue and googly eyes.
Our new student teacher arrived in our class. Her name is Ms. Adeodu. She is 22 years old and born in the country called Nigeria but grew up in Alberta, Canada. She likes to write poems and she read us a poem that she wrote.
An author visited our school. Her name is Heather Down and she read us a book called "Charity's Chirp" about a girl who ate birdseed.
Dwali, a Hindu celebration, started this week and lasts for 5 days. We had a sweet treat to celebrate.
Halloween is almost here and we now have skeletons in the window of our classroom door and long, plastic rainy things hanging in the doorway.
Good bye from Parsa and Nicole
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Update from Ms. R
1. October 24 - P.A. Day - no school
2. October 31 - Halloween - parade (AM) and class celebration (PM)
3. November 11 - Remembrance Day - our class will perform during the morning assembly (families are welcome)
This week's homework:
The homework this week is a math review sheet. This will be sent home with your child on Thursday.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
October 22 News
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Update from Ms. R
1. Math - Students will work at home to learn some math facts. Each child has made game cards in class to use at home. The focus is to learn the "double" addition facts and how these can help with addition and subtraction. These cards and a related worksheet will be sent home on Friday.
2. Language - Please write a fiction story about the robot in your homework writing journal.
Important Dates:
1. October 23 - Family Math Night (6-7 PM) - It's not too late to sign up! Forms were sent home last week. If you need another copy please contact me.
2. October 24 - P.A. Day - no school
3. October 31 - Halloween - school parade (AM) and class celebration (PM)
4. November 11 - Remembrance Day - our class will perform - families are welcome to attend
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 15 News
This week we celebrated Thanksgiving. Everyone brought in a vegetable. I brought in broccoli (Cole). We washed our hands and cut up the vegetables and made soup. We also made bread and butter. It was delicious and fantastic!
While the food was cooking we wrote about Thanksgiving in our classroom in our writing journals.
This week we each got our own pen pal. We worked with the hard-of-hearing students from
Pepper's class. We wrote letters on special "Domo" paper and made handprints using blue paint to give to our pen pals. My pen pal's name is Chloe (Sara) and mine is Benjamin (Cole).
Mr. Deacon taught us about urban and rural communities and we painted rural paintings and we glued newspaper rectangles on paper to make urban art.
We recorded us singing our Room 5 song (just click on the triangle below and listen to us singing!).
We made addition tables in math. It is like using a paper calculator.
We went to the gym and had Fun Atheletics Day.
We started to write stories about if our pencils could talk. My pencil would say it would cheat on the spelling test (Cole). My pencil said, "Can I have something to eat?" (Sara). Of course these are fiction stories!
Good bye from Sara and Cole
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Update from Ms. R
This week's homework is to invent a new holiday and to write (and draw) how people would celebrate this holiday. A releated worksheet will be sent home with your child on Friday.
Important dates:
1. October 13 - Thanksgiving Day - no school
2. October 23 - Family Math Night (6:00-7:00 PM) *Please sign up to learn about how you can talk about math ideas with your child at home.
3. October 24 - P.A. Day - no school
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
October 8 News
October 8 News
By: Trinity and Gabriel
We have a new Alpha fish and another new fish called George the pleco. We made the covers for the pillows we are making this year. We also finished our marble art and it is on our board outside of room 5.
In math, we are learning about number lines and rounding. We played the picnic game that has a secret trick. The game's trick uses a pattern.
Tomorrow, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving by making a vegetable soup and bread. We are going to make butter too!
In music, we listened to a song called 'Boom De Ya Da' and we made our own lyrics for the song.
We had the QSP assembly that was about a website and you can win prizes based on your magazine sales. Also, there is a scratch and win backpack.
We're done! Good bye! Have a good day and a great weekend! From Trinity and Gabriel
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Update from Ms. R
Students will complete a writing assignment this week in their homework writing journals. This journal will be sent home about once a month during first term. The journals will be sent home with your child on Friday, October 3.
Important Dates:
Oct. 13 - Thanksgiving Day - no classes
Oct. 23 - Family Math Night - more information to come
Oct. 24 - P.D. Day - no classes
Oct. 31 - Halloween
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
October 1 News
October 1st News
By: Alex and Raika
Yesterday, we made paintings using marbles and we also celebrated a Jewish holiday called Rash Ha-Shanah. We had apples and honey to celebrate. Today, we celebrated Eid and the end of Ramadan. We had delicious cookies for Eid that patterns on them that looked like the henna decorations for Muslim celebrations.
We learned about the forces of friction and gravity in science.
We learned about place value in math. We also got new textbooks and workbooks.
We got our scholastic book order forms.
Today, we went on a website called Starfall.
In library class, we read a book called 'The Principles New Clothes' with Ms. Mantello and it was very funny.
In music, we learned to sing a song called 'It's a beautiful morning'.
We raised $57.85 for cancer research during the Terry Fox Run.
In guided writing, we are writing instructions for the marble art. We made backwards stories and once we are all done we will put them up in the hall.
We are reading a book called 'Tootle' about a baby locomotive. It was in a list of the most popular books for kids.
From Alex and Raika
Saturday, September 27, 2008
September 25 News
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Notes from Ms. R Sept. 18
Another busy week in Room 5! The homework this week is for each student to write about his/her favourite book. This sheet will be sent home in your child's agenda on Friday. These reports will be made into one of our classroom community books.
I look forward to seeing you at the school's BBQ (5:30 - 6:30) and Curriculum Night (6:30-7:30) on Thursday, September 25th.
From, Ms. R
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
September 17 News
This Mr. Deacon. He is our student teacher. His favourite TV show is Jeopardy.
We read the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. This art was made by drawing spots dots with oil pastels on paper. We made the frames by putting glue on cardboard then we painted it gold. These are in the hall by room 5.
In math we learned how to use calculators and t-charts to help us solve math problems.
We made music shakers by putting orzo in cans. We listened to Crazy Frog and we shook them to the beat. We did the Reader's Theatre play Why Bear Has A Stumpy Tail and Ms. R filmed the plays and we watched them on TV. We learned about hippos and read the second book about Owen and Mzee (a language of friends) a story a hippo and a tortoise in Keyna that became friends. We looked at the website and played games and saw photos.
We learned about each other by reading our A Little Bit about Me homework. We started to read a story about Albert Einstein. Did you know that he was a poor student (that is, he was not a good student) who liked to play the violin?
Good-bye from Liam and Razan
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The 100 shirts of Mr. Lee
This week our class is setting up a display in the second floor west stairwell showing the different photos we have taken so far.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sept. 10 News
This week we did patterning in math. We read a book called Pattern Fish. We made patterns with pattern blocks and our bodies. We listened to a song by Blue Man Group and listened to a pattern in the song. We looked at a video by Blue Man group on a DVD and Youtube. You can watch the youtube video at home.
We wrote about our class pets, Alpha and Beta. We wrote cooperative stories with a partner.
We went to the library. We read Blueberries For Sal and we tasted blueberries and we squished them to see what colour was inside (it was red, yellow-green, and purple).
In science we cut out paper flowers and folded the petals. When we put them in water the petals opened up because the water forced the petals to push up.
This week we made shakers out of cans and pasta (orzo or rice shaped pasta) for music. We made small art journals by sewing pages into a book with a cover that we covered with paint and sticky plastic.
We welcomed Mr. Deacon our new student teacher to our class this week.
In computers we learned about internet safety at
Bye from Hodman and Angie
Thursday, September 4, 2008
September 5 News
Room J2 Homework News – Sept. 2 - 5, 2008
Due: Friday, September 12, 2008
What a busy week it’s been! The students have been hard at work adjusting to their new classroom and the new routines. This week we did a lot of activities to help everyone learn more about each other.
The students made their own name art for their desks and worked together to make a message for our hall bulletin board. They wrote stories about summer and our fish. We read lots of books, sang songs and played math and word games. We also began our big class project “The 100 Shirts of Mr. Lee” and welcomed our class pets, “Alpha” and “Beta”, a fantail goldfish and a shubunkin goldfish.
Please note that the students need to wear proper footwear for gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our library book exchange day is Monday.
Weekly Homework
Every week the students will be asked to do a few small pieces of homework that will be due the following Friday.
This week’s homework is:
Language – Please complete the attached interest survey with your child.
PLEASE make sure that your child reads for 10-15 minutes (or more) every night either with you or independently. It is VERY IMPORTANT at this age for children to read at home everyday.
If you have any questions or comments about the weekly homework, please contact me through the school at 416-393-0570, through your child’s agenda or via email at
Important Dates
September 25 – Welcome Back BBQ AND Curriculum Night (5:30 – 7:30)
September 26 – Professional Activity Day – no school on this day
October 13 – Thanksgiving Day – no school on this day