Sunday, October 4, 2020

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is for children to complete the number sense math assignment and the science/language activity on the seasons. This homework is posted on our Google Classroom site and is due on Monday, October 12th.

Parent Notes:

1. Thank you everyone for completing your child's daily health screening. To keep everyone safe, including myself, it is important that sick children do not come to school.

2. Please practise with your child how to open his/her food containers independently. I can help your child, but please know, opening the containers requires me to touch the container. I do use hand sanitizer before and after I open the container, but it would be safer if your child does this him/herself.

3. Each week I send home some completed work with your child. Please talk to your child about these activities to reinforce her/his learning, especially the little photocopied reading books. Some work I keep in their portfolios to document his/her progress.

Important Dates:

October 8 - PHOTO DAY
October 12 - THANKSGIVING DAY - There is no school on this day.
October 31 - HALLOWEEN

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