Sunday, September 27, 2020

Update from Ms. R


The homework for this week is for families to sign in to our Google Classroom and to complete and return the language and math activities. This homework is due on Sunday, October 5th.

The students are working hard at their schoolwork, but also on how to act in school, for example, remember to put up your hand to speak, write your name on all your school work, push your chair in when you get up from your desk and to wear a face mask properly (over the nose and under the chin).

Notes for parents:

1. Please send a full water bottle with your child each day. (Filling water bottles at school can happen, but can also be a sanitary issue.)

2. Please remember to SIGN and DATE your child's health screening app or sheet EACH DAY.

3. Please remember to send a book or quiet activity for your child to do after they eat lunch. We provide paper and crayons for them, but it's nice for them to have something else to do.

4. Please send a lunch container that your child can open INDEPENDENTLY. I can help your child, but each time I open a child's container, I have to wash my hands or apply hand sanitizer before AND after I open it.

5. If your child is away from school, the work that he or she missed will be sent home to be completed and returned to school.

6. If possible, please have a paper calendar at home that your child can easily see (possibly on your fridge). Calendars can be found at the dollar store. Time, as measured in days of the week and months of the year, is an abstract concept that is difficult for young children. The class is learning about the days of the week and the passage of time as measured in days and months. Having a calendar at home, is a great opportunity for your child to show what he/she knows.

7. Please ensure your child's backpack can hold your child's lunch bag and water bottle. This eliminates the carrying the lunch bag/water bottle separately.

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