Happy New Year 2020!
We started the year off with two new students joining our class in addition to the new student that came in December! So now we are a community of 23 student learners in Room 222.
The homework for this week is to write a fiction story about the picture of a Canadian $20.00 bill in the homework writing journal. Some ideas from the class were: a magic $20 bill granting 3 wishes, a stolen $20 bill and a $20 bill that's a magic carpet! There is also a math worksheet covering counting Canadian coins and even designing a new coin. This homework is due on THURSDAY, January 16th (since January 17th is a P.A. Day).
Parent Notes:
1. Picking up your child early: If you are planning to pick up your child during the school day, please email me to let me know. That way, I can tell the office and I can have your child ready. If your child is in gym or music or outside at recess, locating and retrieving your child can take a lot of time.
2. Cold weather gear: Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Many children are forgetting to wear boots and snow pants. The general rule is that children need to wear snow pants when the temperature is 0 C or colder. Snow pants are not just for snow. They also protect your child from the cold and wet conditions outside.
3. Water bottles: Children take home their water bottles each day to be cleaned and refilled. Having clean and full water bottles in the classroom allows easy access to water during the day and eliminates disruptions and time spent walking with a partner to the fountain down the hall.
4. School Library: Our class visits the school library every two weeks. Many children forgot their library books this week. Students cannot take out another book until the first has been returned. Please help your child to return her/his library book, in the library bag, after they have read it. Our next library day will be Friday, January 24th.
Important Dates:
January 17 - P.A. Day
January 27 - Family Literacy Day
February 12 - Term 1 report cards go home
February 14 - Parent-Teacher interviews
February 14 - P. A. Day
February 17 - Family Day
March 16-20 - March Break
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