It's almost parent/teacher interview time and the time set aside for interviews is on Thursday, November 14 (evening) and Friday, November 15 (morning). An interview request form (green sheet) was sent home with your child on Friday. Please write your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for times on the sheet and return it to school with your child as soon as possible, as many parents want the same times! If your choices are already taken, I will choose a time for you close to your preferred times. I will send home a confirmation note with your child. If these times are not convenient, please email me to make other arrangements.
The homework for this week is for each student to teach the math board game that she or he created to an adult and write a reflection on the experience. There is also a math sheet covering ordinal numbers and time measurement (using calendars). THE BOARD GAME IS TO BE KEPT AT HOME. The completed reflection sheet and math worksheet are due on Friday, November 8th.
November 11 - Remembrance Day
November 12 - Progress Reports go home
November 14 (evening) and November 15 (morning) - parent/teacher interviews
November 15 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
December 6 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
December 21 to January 5 - Winter Break holidays
January 6, 2020 - School resumes
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