Sunday, October 20, 2019

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete the math and science worksheet sent home with your child on Friday. The children are expected to answer the math word problems with a number sentence (equation), to show how she/he got the answer and a word sentence with the correct answer to provide a word answer to a word problem. The science activity is to brainstorm different ways humans use water in daily life (home/work/fun). This homework is due on Friday, October 25th. Please know that completing and handing in homework is part of the responsibility expectation in the learning skills section of the report card.

Notes for parents:

Next week there will be a BOOK FAIR in our school library. This is a fundraiser for the library and books will be available to purchase. Our class will go to the library on Tuesday, October 22 to browse the books and make wish lists. That way, you will know how much individual books cost. On Wednesday, October 23, the children can go to the library to purchase books. If you send money with your child please send the money in a wallet or zip bag WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. I'm emphasizing this because every year a child drops, misplaces or otherwise loses his/her money. If the money is in a wallet or bag with a name, the money is easily returned.

Important Dates:

October 21-24 - BOOK FAIR in our school library - a fundraiser for our library
October 31 - Halloween
November 11 - Remembrance Day
November 12 - Progress Reports go home
November 14 (evening) and November 15 (morning) - parent/teacher interviews
November 15 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day

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