Sunday, September 29, 2019

News for September 27

Our "new" group of students this week, started a class novel study, learned about growing/shrinking number patterns in math and had a guest gym instructor (Ms. R)!

In math, the children continue to practice their skip-counting skills and their place value understanding. The class learned how to identify growing (or increasing) and shrinking (or decreasing) number pattern, how to extend the terms of the pattern and how to write a pattern rule. For example, 37, 35, 33... is a shrinking pattern, the pattern rule is "subtract 2 (or -2) each time" and the next three terms in the pattern are 31, 29, 27.

In writing, the children focused on when to use CAPITAL letters. They are used as the first letter in all sentences and as the first letter on proper nouns. (Proper nouns are names of people, cities, countries, days of the week and months of the year.)

Each student created a sock puppet character. To help them develop this fictional character, the children answered questions and wrote sentences in their journals about their sock puppets (for example, "What is its name? What is its favourite food?)

In reading, the class began our first novel study of the year. The children chorally read aloud the first four chapters of the book, Frog and Toad are Friends. We talked about how a reader would know that this is a fiction story (they wear clothes and talk) and compared it to some research on real frogs and toads (they are amphibians and have sticky tongues to catch their prey). We also discussed the format of a chapter book and how it differs from a standard picture book.

The reading benchmark assessments for our class are almost completed. I will finish this process next week.

In oral communication and media studies, the class talked about different ways to tell a story (oral storytelling, books, comics, graphic novels, movies, videos). The children began to work together in small groups to create stories for sock puppet movies. They created "credits" communicating the title, creator names and actor (puppet) names. Then they rehearsed their movies. These movies will be filmed next week and posted on the blog.

In art, the class learned about the standard colour wheel that shows the primary colours (blue, red, yellow) and secondary colours (green, orange, purple). The students used playdoh to create their individual colour wheels. They used the primary colours to make the secondary colours. Adding white to any colours creates a tint of a colour (for example, pink is a tint of red), while adding black creates a shade. Mixing all the colours together creates a muddy grey-brown colour. Did you know that mixing colours to make a new colour is an irreversible change? The next day, the children wrote about their colour wheels. These colour wheels and the students' written reflections will be displayed on the bulletin board in our classroom.

The children went to an assembly to see a presentation by the authors of "The Gumboot Kids" books and video series.

The students had their individual school photos taken on Monday. In a few weeks, whole class photos will be taken and that will also be a time for individual photo retakes, if necessary.

Finally, our new-to-us gym teacher Ms. Harnick was away on Thursday, so I filled in and taught the class gym. (I used to teach gym to my classes years ago when Davisville was a much smaller school, so I know a lot of gym activities!)

Books read aloud this week:

Everybody's Welcome by Patricia Hegarty

Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel (chapter book read aloud chorally by the whole class)

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