Welcome to our new Room 222 families! On Monday, seven new grade 2 students joined our learning community and now we are a class of 20 grade 2 students.
The homework for this week is for children to complete the worksheet on using capital letters and on completing growing patterns. (For students new to our class, there is a "A Little Bit About Me" worksheet to complete to include in our class book and a 100 chart to help your child to orally practise skip counting by 2's, 5's, 10's and 25's forwards and backwards. Please keep the 100 chart at home. It takes less that two minutes to practise each day and it really helps to boost your child's math confidence.) This homework is due on Friday, October 4th.
Recall there are two types of homework in Room 222: daily and weekly homework. Daily homework is to study and practise the Word Wall (spelling) Words each day. A copy of these words will be sent home, on an index card, every Monday. PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD TO LEARN HOW TO READ, SPELL AND USE THE WEEKLY WORD WALL WORDS. Also children are expected to read for at least 20 minutes EVERY day. Weekly homework is assigned every Friday and is due on or before the following Friday.
As always, please email me if you have any questions.
Notes for parents:
1. The students are encouraged to take home their water bottles each day to be cleaned and refilled. This makes sure that the bottles are clean and decreases time away from the classroom refilling bottles.
2. The Room 222 timetable has changed. I will send an updated timetable home with your child next week. (Swim class is still on Day 1, which for now, is on Tuesdays.)
3. If your child will be absent, for a day or an extended period, I appreciate your emailing me to let me know that your child will be away. PLEASE KNOW THAT THE OFFICE DOES NOT INFORM TEACHERS OF PLANNED ABSENCES OR THE REASONS FOR A CHILD'S ABSENCE. If you email me, I will let the office know. You can also call the school office directly at 416-393-0570.
Important Dates:
October 10 - Curriculum Night & BBQ
October 11 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
October 14 - Thanksgiving Day - no classes on this day
October 31 - Halloween
November 11 - Remembrance Day
November 14 (evening) and November 15 (morning) - parent/teacher interviews
November 15 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day