The homework for this week is to write the last story in the homework writing journal. A short paper drawing "lesson" was taped into each journal. Every student is asked to draw a monster using the instructions and then write a fiction story about the monster character. There is also a worksheet with math and science review questions. This homework is due on Friday, May 24th.
Parent Notes:
1. Due to the Victoria Day holiday, SWIM CLASS is now on WEDNESDAYS and LIBRARY is now on MONDAYS.
2. Please send your child to school prepared for the warmer, sunnier weather. Each child needs a water bottle, a hat and sunscreen. Hats are especially important as there is not a lot of shade on the playground and too much sun can cause headaches and nausea. Please recall that the children are outside for 1 hour and 15 minutes each day. (15 minutes before school, 15 minutes at morning recess, 30 minutes at lunch recess and 15 minutes at afternoon recess)
Important Dates:
May 20 - Victoria Day holiday
June 1 - Saturday FUN FAIR
June 5 - Jump Rope for Heart - fundraiser for the Heart & Stroke Foundation
June 7 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
June 26 - Term 2 (final) report cards go home
June 27 - Last day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year
September 3 - First day of classes for the 2019-2020 school year
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