Sunday, January 27, 2019

News for January 25

Well, despite school bus cancellations and many student absences, we managed to have fun learning about 3-D (three dimensional) geometry, sewing glovetopuses and planning and starting to write chapter books!

In math, the children learned about 3-D figures, prisms and pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. The three basic attributes of these figures are vertices (corners), faces and edges. The children practised identifying the figures by name and counting the various attributes. Later in the week the students built their own figures using toothpicks and plasticine and wrote about the figures and the process of creating them.

The children wrote poems about the 2-D polygon art they created last week. The artwork and poems are now on display on the bulletin board in our classroom.

The students created the main characters for their next writing projects. Using a pair of gloves, each child stuffed the fingers and sewed on button eyes to create a gloves+octopus=glovetopus stuffie. The class discussed how authors do research before writing books and we read a book and looked online for facts about octopuses that the students can use in their stories. Did you know that an octopus has 3 hearts and has blue blood? After reviewing the stages of the writing process, the class planned their stories and started to write the rough copy of their chapter books.

In our small guided reading groups, the learning goal was to practise how to "read between the lines" in a story help understand the story and to predict what will happen next. Reading the book, "That's What Friends Are For", the children used their prior knowledge and information in the text to predict the next part of the story.

The students painted the the posters of the words from the poem, "Salutation to the Dawn" that the class discussed last week. These posters will be displayed around the classroom for the children to read each day to help the class memorize the poem.

At the end of the week, the children had an opportunity to use discarded yogurt tube boxes from the snack program to design and make something for the glovetopus characters. Some children made houses, others cars and rocket ships.

Due to many children being away this week, we were only able to film one of the three groups performing the play, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". Please look for all the videos to be posted next week!

Books read aloud this week:

Mmm, Cookies by Robert Munsch
Martha Speaks by Susan Meddaugh
Martha Calling by Susan Meddaugh
Martha Blah Blah by Susan Meddaugh
Martha Walks the Dog by Susan Meddaugh
Octopus - My Favourite Animal by Victoria Marcos
That's What Friends Are For by Florence Parry Heide

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