The homework for this week is to complete the 3D geometry review sheet and the reading comprehension worksheet. This homework is due on Friday, February 1st.
Parent Notes:
On Wednesday, February 6, our class will begin attending swim classes. Swim lessons for our class are on Day 2. Currently, Day 2 falls on a Wednesday. However, after February 18, Day 2 will fall on Fridays. Please help the swim instructors by having your child practise changing into and out of his/her swimsuit independently. Also, please put your child's name on the OUTSIDE of his/her swim bag. This helps to identify swim gear without having to pull wet items out of the bag.
Important Dates:
February 1 - School Spirit - Backwards Day
February 12 - Term 1 report cards go home.
February 14 (evening) and February 15 (morning) - Teacher/parent interviews
February 15 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
February 18 - Family Day - no classes on this day
February 25 - Kwanis Festival trip - Primary Choir members ONLY
March 1 - School Spirit - Beach Day
March 11-15 - MARCH BREAK
April 19 - Good Friday - no classes on this day
April 22 - Easter Monday - no classes on this day
May 20 - Victoria Day - no classes on this day
June 7 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
June 27 - Last day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year