Sunday, November 11, 2018

Update from Ms. R


The homework for this week is for each student to teach an adult the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet and if time, the ASL Remembrance Day song that the class learned this week. Then students are to complete a refection sheet and answer questions about how the lesson went. There is also a math sheet reviewing math concepts learned this week. This homework is due on THURSDAY, November 15th (since Friday is a P.A. Day).

Parent Notes

Thank you to all the parents for returning the forms or emailing me around arranging parent-teacher interviews. I appreciate your understanding and flexibility around the times,because many people want the same interview times. I will put a reminder note regarding your interview date and time on your child's progress report card. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and talking about your child's work at school.

Important Dates

November 14 - Progress Reports go home
November 15 (evening) and November 16 (morning) - parent/teacher interviews
November 16 - P.A.Day - no classes
November 22 - Spirit Day - Crazy Hair Day!
December 7 - P.A. Day - no classes
December 22 - January 6 - Winter Holidays
January 7 - First day of school for 2019

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