Sunday, October 7, 2018

Update from Ms. R


The homework for this week is for the students to practise skip counting using the annotated 100 chart sent home. This sheet is to be kept at home. Grade two students are expected to be able to count forwards and backwards by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 25’s from standard starting points (e.g., 10, 20, 30…) as well as unique starting points (e.g., 46, 56, 66…). We practise at school but five minutes a day helps to reinforce this skill at home. There is also a worksheet with a short science/language activity and a Thanksgiving math word problem. The completed worksheet is due on or before Friday, October 12th.


  1. LOST & FOUND ITEMS: I am the teacher in charge of the Lost & Found at school. When cleaning up the items on Friday, I noticed that there were 41 sweaters and jackets with NO NAME on them. Please know that it is very difficult to return clothing, lunch bags and water bottles if these items are not labelled clearly with your child’s full name. (Many children have the same first name…) A permanent marker or purchased labels really help me to return the lost items to their owners.

  1. INDOOR SHOES: To help keep our classroom floor clean and for times when the children are in gym/music/drama, if possible, please send your child to school with a second pair of “indoor shoes”. This stops dirty shoes from tracking mud etc. into the classrooms and the gym.

  1. PARENT MATH RESOURCE: On Friday, the teachers attended a math workshop and I was reminded on an Ontario Government document meant for parents. The document is called, “Parents Guide to the Fundamentals of Math” and here is the link:

Important Dates:

October 10 - Our first library visit to borrow a school library book

November 11 - Remembrance Day - whole school assembly this day

November 14 - Progress Reports go home

November 15 (evening) and November 16 (morning) - parent/teacher interviews

November 16 - P.A.Day - no classes

December 7 - P.A. Day - no classes

December 22 - January 6 - Winter Holidays

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