Sunday, September 16, 2018

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is for the students to read the non-fiction story about bees and answer the comprehension questions. On the back are some practice addition questions. This homework is due on or before Friday, September 21st.

Parent Notes:

  1. REORGANIZATION - Our school now has significantly fewer students than it had last June, when the classes were originally planned and students were placed in classes. As a result, the school classrooms must be reorganized because now many classes have too few students in them. This means that some teachers will be reassigned and some students will move to different classrooms. The new school plan will be presented to Mrs. Farrelly on Monday, and the changes will happen on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week. All changes will be finalized by our Curriculum Night, Thursday, September 20th. 

  1. TIMETABLE - Due to the reorganization of classes, every class will have a new timetable. Hopefully, these will be ready by the end of the week, so that parents will know on which day of the school schedule students have specialty classes like swimming and gym.

Important Dates:

September 18 & 19 - Reorganization of classes

September 20 - Curriculum Night- 6:30

September 25  - Parent Council Meeting at Glebe Road Church (7:00 pm)

October 5 - P. A. Day - no classes on this day

October 8 - Thanksgiving Day Holiday - no classes on this day

1 comment:

Sinead said...

Dear Ms R
Thank you for this comprehensive update of what was another great week in room 222.