Sunday, June 3, 2018

Update from Ms. R

It was great to see the families of Room 204 at the Fun Fair yesterday! It was the last time for this annual tradition at this location but we raised a lot of money for our school programs at our new location at Vaughn Road next year.

The homework for this week is to complete the science and math worksheets sent home with your child on Friday. This homework is due on THURSDAY, June 7th (since Friday is a P.A. Day).


* Thank you for supporting your child’s reading development at home this year! Reading at home compliments the reading work we do in class each day. This week I began to test the current reading levels of the students. It's very rewarding for them (and me) to see how much they have improved since last September! Reading is a complex combination of decoding words, reading fluency and comprehension of text and children need to read EVERY DAY to keep their skills at grade level.

* Please send your child to school prepared to spend time outdoors in the sunny, warm weather. The children are outdoors for 15 minutes during morning recess, 30 minutes during lunch recess and 15 minutes during afternoon recess. Hats and sunscreen help to protect your child from the harmful rays of the sun. Our classroom can get very warm these days and every child can keep a water bottle from home on his/her desk if they wish (but they can also use the water fountain in our room).

Important Dates:

June 8 - P.A. Day
June 28 - Last day of school for students
September 4 - First day of school for the 2018-2019 school year (@ Vaughn Road Academy)

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