Sunday, April 22, 2018

Update from Ms. R


The homework for this week is for students to write a story in the homework writing journal about the sticker placed on the next blank page. There is also a worksheet with math and science review questions.This homework is due on Friday, April 27th.

* LIBRARY DAY IS NOW ON MONDAYS! Please help your child to remember to return his/her library book.

*Note to parents - Ideas to encourage non-digital activities at home

***word games (part one)***

This week the children played a game where the challenge was to make as many words as possible using the letters from another word. An “anagram” is a word that uses all the letters of the original word but in a different order, for example “listen” and “silent” are anagrams. You can do a version of this at home by setting the timer for 5 or 10 minutes and finding out who in the group can make the most words using the letters from a bigger word. It helps younger children to write the individual letters on pieces of paper that they can slide around to experiment with different orders. If you like you can sort the words into 1,2,3,4,5 or more letter words. This type of activity doesn't take a lot of time but helps children look use and recognize typical English letter patterns. How many words can you make using the letters from “happiness” or “beautiful”?

Important Dates:

May 21 - Victoria Day

June 8 - P.A. Day

June 28 - Last day of school for students

September 4 - First day of school for the 2018-2019 school year (@ Vaughn Road Academy)

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