Sunday, March 11, 2018

Update from Ms. R


The homework for this week is…there is no formal homework! HOWEVER, each child promised me that he/she would read for 20 minutes (or more) each day. I did send home an optional practice sheet of cursive capital letters, because many of the children had asked to learn these on their own. Also, the school’s Parent Council sent home small slips of paper to ask for a toonie as part of a fundraiser to collect money to help pay for school buses for TDSB students with disabilities.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Our LIBRARY DAY (Day 1) now falls on THURSDAYS . Please help your child to remember to return his/her library book each week.

Note to parents - Ideas for encouraging non-digital activities at home


A deck of playing cards can be used for a lot of different activities! The class spent time this week learning about the history and make up of a deck of cards. They also learned a magic trick, an addition/subtraction game, a standard card game (Go Fish) and how to use cards for building towers. There are lots of sites on the internet with ideas on how to use playing cards with your child. Try teaching your child a favourite card game that you know or look up the rules for a new game. Standard games that children usually enjoy playing are: Crazy Eights, Snap and Cribbage. (FYI Cribbage requires a separate Cribbage board.)

Important Dates:

March 12 to 16 - March Break holiday

March 30 - Good Friday holiday

April 2 - Easter Monday

May 21 - Victoria Day

June 8 - P.A. Day

June 28 - Last day of school for students

September 4 - First day of school for the 2018-2019 school year

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