Saturday, February 10, 2018

Update from Ms. R


The homework for this week is a reading comprehension activity about tooth traditions around the world and a math activity reviewing graphing concepts and understanding. This homework is due on THURSDAY, February 15th (since Friday is a P.A.Day).

Note to parents - Ideas for encouraging non-digital activities at home - jigsaw puzzles

This week, our class began to work together to solve a jigsaw puzzle showing all the flags of the countries around the world, as a connection to our discussion of the 2018 Winter Olympics. The children learned some strategies to help them put together the puzzle, like sorting the border pieces and putting together the border of the puzzle first and referencing the puzzle picture to help find the correct pieces. 

Solving jigsaw puzzles helps to develop many skills in children, like: shape and pattern recognition, eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills, patience and perseverance!

Grade two children (ages 7-8) do well with jigsaw puzzles with 100-300 pieces. (Puzzles with more pieces can prove to be overwhelming.)

Important Dates:

February 13 - Term 1 report cards go home
February 15 (evening) and February 16 (morning) - optional parent/teacher interviews
February 16 - P.A. Day (no classes)
February 19 - Family Day holiday
February 23 - Kiwanis Festival choir performance at North Toronto Collegiate
March 1 - French Carnival - school-wide event
March 12 to 16 - March Break holiday
March 30 - Good Friday holiday
April 2 - Easter Monday

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