Saturday, November 11, 2017

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to write a fiction story in the homework writing journal about a clock. There is also a math sheet reviewing analog and digital time concepts. This homework is due on THURSDAY, November 16, (since Friday is a P.A. Day).


Please note:

The cold weather has finally arrived! Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Each child needs a hat, a scarf and mittens in addition to a coat, snow pants and boots. Students are expected to be outside for 15 minutes recess in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon and for 30 minutes at lunchtime. All children MUST wear footwear at all times inside the school. Your child needs a pair of indoor shoes, to be kept at school, that he/she can independently put on and take off. An extra pair of mittens and a clean, dry pair of socks are also good to have in backpacks just in case they get wet.

Important Dates:

November 14 - Progress Reports go home

November 16 (evening) and November 17 (morning) - Parent/Teacher interviews

November 17 - P. A. Day - no classes

December 1 - P.A. Day - no classes

December 22 - Last day of school for 2017

December 23 - January 7 - Winter Holidays

January 8 - First day of school for 2018

(*For all holiday and P. A. Day dates, please go to the "calendar" section of the Toronto District School Board website at

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