Sunday, October 8, 2017

Vegetable Soup and Butter

Children LOVE to cook! The students all helped to make the vegetable soup and butter for our feast. Here are the recipes:

SOUP: Every year, the amounts and types of vegetables vary, but the soup is always delicious and is very simple to make. Wash, peel and chop a variety of vegetables and put them into a large pot. This year, our soup had onion, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, corn, green beans, potatoes, basil and chives. We also added salt. Cover the vegetables with water and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat to low and cook for 15-20 minutes. Next add the pasta. This year we used small “bow tie” pasta. Bring the soup back to the boiling point and cook for another 15-20 minutes or until the pasta is done. 

BUTTER: To make fresh, homemade butter all you need is 35% whipping cream, a bit of salt and a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Put the cream and salt into the jar and shake. Keep shaking and shaking until the butterfat separates into a large “blob” and the liquid whey. Pour off the liquid (or use it in another recipe…I often use it to make muffins at home.) We used this delicious homemade butter on bread.


Manohar_Sachitha said...

Vegetable soup cooking,Library visit were exciting events.Thanks a lot for making each day exciting for the kids.

jai said...

Dear mam, my son Pradyumna is so excited about the soup cooking and he is talking about it to everyone he meets/ talks to ,this long weekend.Thank you so much Ms. Rawlinson for bringing out the enthusiasm in each kid and making the school going routine a joyful journey.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. The children work hard but they have fun too!