Did you know that children between the ages of 8-12 years old, spend an average of 6 hours a day looking at some form of computer/tablet/phone screen?
We all love our devices. However, you don't want to get "square eyes" from looking at screens too much! (Ask your child about the book we read aloud entitled, "The Boy With Square Eyes".)
Here are some ideas to help keep your child occupied, without the use of a computer.
Visit the Toronto Public Library - Every year they have a summer reading club for children. Reading is a skill that needs to be practiced EVERY DAY. Here is the link: www.tpl.ca
Play with playing cards - I gave each child in the class a deck of playing cards on the last day of school. They can do magic tricks, play games (for example, Go Fish, War, Crazy Eights), make card towers/mazes or use them to practise their math facts.
Play board games - This year the children learned how to play Chinese Checkers and Dots. Of course, standard games like Checkers, Chess, Snakes & Ladders are also great games to play.
Write stories in a journal - A simple lined notebook from the dollar store is all that is needed for your child to write down his/her stories (fiction and non-fiction). Have your child pick out one story and have him/her create a published book!
Make an "Art Box" with materials for your child to independently create things of his/her choosing. Here is a list of suggested materials:
TAPE - masking tape, clear tape, coloured tape
GLUE - glue stick, white glue
PAPER - scrap paper, coloured paper, lined paper, construction paper, aluminum foil
PENCILS and PENCIL CRAYONS - plus a sharpener (that holds the shavings)
RECYCLED ITEMS - cracker boxes, tissue boxes, cardboard tubes, yogurt containers, magazines
EXTRAS - elastic bands, paper clips, paper fasteners, hole punch, post-it notes
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