Sunday, March 12, 2017

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to write a story (fiction or non-fiction) in the homework writing journal. The story should have something to do with March Break. Students can write non-fiction stories about what happened during March Break OR write fiction stories with March Break as part of the story. There is also a math worksheet reviewing multiplication concepts. This homework is due on Friday, March 24th, so the children have two weeks to complete and hand in their work.
Please have your child practise their multiplication facts at home (x0 to x10). Children who have quick strategies to figure them out or who have memorized their facts, do better at math in the upper grades. The reason is that they can use their mental energy to solve more complicated problems instead of getting slowed down by inefficient methods of fact recall. Practising 5 minutes a day with flash cards or purchased workbooks really helps!`
Mark your calendars! The 12th Annual 100 Books Party is on the morning of Thursday, April 13th. This is a big celebration of the reading and writing in Room 204 and if you are able to attend, even for a short time, it means a lot to the children.
Important Dates:
March 13 to 17 - March Break holiday
* NEW April 13 - Room 204's 100 Books Party! (morning) - more information to follow
April 14 - Good Friday holiday
April 16 - Easter Sunday
April 17 - Easter Monday holiday
May 22 - Victoria Day holiday
June 9 - P.A. Day (no school)
June 29 - Last day of school for the 2016-2017 school year.

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