News for November 11
This week the class folded origami cranes, wrote peace messages and even sent a package to the Prime Minister of Canada!
In math, the children reviewed two-dimensional shapes by folding paper cranes and by solving tangram puzzles. The students then learned about three-dimensional figures and the three attributes found on each: vertices, faces and edges. They learned how to identify prisms and pyramids and how to match figures with their proper names.
The students finished their "how-to" books about how to make a pillow. Each child bound the books with a "stick" binding, using elastic bands and popsicle sticks. These books are now on display in the hallway, outside of our classroom.
We took a potato that started to grow roots and planted it in soil to see if it will grow into a proper potato plant. Each child designed a simple pattern to be carved in a potato and used as a stamp to create all over patterns on paper.
For Remembrance Day, the children learned that on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, on the 11th month of November, Canadians remember those men and women who gave their time and their lives to help keep Canada and other places in the world peaceful and safe. The class learned a song in American Sign Language (ASL), drew and cut out red poppies and learned how to fold paper peace cranes. After learning about the different symbols of peace, the students each wrote 33 words of peace (11 + 11 + 11 = 33). On Friday, the children read their peace messages and made a video. We also attended a Remembrance Day assembly in the gym.
***The video will be posted soon!***
In social studies, the class learned the basic directions of north, south, east and west. We talked about the Province of Ontario and what is north, south, east and west of it. The children located the 5 great lakes and learned their names and order west to east.
In science, the students learned about the legend of Johnny Appleseed, who 200 years ago devoted his life to planting apple trees around the United States. He did this because he felt that apples were a healthy food that should be easily available to everyone. The students finally took home their navy bean plants after reflecting on the amazing transformation of how, a hard, dry navy bean can turn into a beautiful, green plant.
Finally, the class wrote a letter to our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Recall, we wrote a biography of him (since we couldn't find a children's book about him) and the students wrote adventure stories about their family dog, Kenzie. We put the letter, book and 19 stories into a box and mailed it to Ottawa. Hopefully he, or someone from his office will write us back!
Books read aloud this week
The 100 Dresses by Eleanor Estes (chapter book - finished)
Sadako's Cranes by Judith Loske
The Peace Tree From Hiroshima - The Little Bonsai With a Big Story by Sandra Moore
Three Pigs, One Wolf and Seven Magic Shapes by Grace Maccarone
The Potato King by Niemann
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