The homework for this week is for each student to teach an adult a math game and then write a reflection on the experience. Each child made two dice and assembled the game board and other pieces needed. After teaching the game, each student must answer the questions on the teaching reflection sheet, using sentences. The game board and all game pieces can be kept at home and played again. The completed reflection sheet is due to be handed in on Friday, October 21st.
Notes for parents:
1) Students have been instructed to write down the title of the books and the number of pages read in their agenda EACH DAY. (Recall reading for at least 20 minutes each day is part of the daily homework, along with studying the weekly spelling words.)
2) When possible, please let me know if children are going to be leaving school early or will be away. You may leave a note in your child's agenda, write me a note or email me. The office staff are very busy and do not always communicate with me if you take your child out of school during recess, lunch or if the class is with a specialty teacher.
3) All adults entering our building for ANY reason, must check in at the office. This rule is in place for the safety of all the students in our school.
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