Sunday, September 11, 2016

News for September 9

News for September 9

Ah! The first week of routines, class work and some fun too!
The students worked in groups to discuss how to behave at school so everyone gets along and can do their best work. The four groups looked at rules in the classroom, the halls, the playground and the lunchroom. We read everyone's words and it looked like the common ideas were to follow the rules, work hard and be nice. That way everyone is happy at school.
In math, the class reviewed the "100 chart". It's a chart that shows the numbers 1- 100 and is set up in ten rows of ten. The children practiced skip counting by 2's. 5's, 10's, 25', 50's and 100's. They worked in partners to use the 100 charts as game boards to play "Race to 100" using a die. They also listened to oral cues and placed markers on the appropriate numbers to create a design on the chart.
In writing, the students reviewed writing the 26 uppercase (capital) letters and lowercase letters. They also reviewed how to write a perfect sentence (beginning with a capital letter and ending in a period ( or ? or !)
The children created large paper letters by colouring and cutting out letter shapes of their own creation. We used these letters to spell out, "Welcome Back Everybody! From Room 204" in the hall outside of our classroom.
In visual art, the children worked on creating large paintings. First, they planned their pictures using pencil. Next, they used tempra paint to give their art some colour. Then, they used the "artist trick" of adding a thin black outline to the images to make them stand out. Finally, they made a frame for their paintings using strips of coloured tissue paper and staplers.
The students began to write their first stories of the year! Using the ideas in their paintings, they planned their stories and most students started to write their sentences. The paintings will be the illustrations for their stories.
The children were each given an empty jar to create a treasure box (or jar) to safely hold any little treasures that they find. Children are encouraged to bring in small things that they personally treasure to put in this jar. For example, many students found small rocks at recess that they found interesting. I also gave the students a few small treasures to start them off. Later, the class will use these treasure boxes as part of a personal class project.
The class had the first of their weekly LEGO time. During the first period of Day 3, the students are encouraged to create things with our two big bins of Lego (the former collection of my two sons). Children who do not wish to play with Lego may create their own art projects or read a book.
Books read aloud this week:
The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers
The Book That Eats People by John Perry
Do Not Open This Book! By Michaela Muntean
The Good Little Book by Kyo Maclear

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