Sunday, April 10, 2016

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete the reading comprehension activity and do the multiplication review worksheet. This homework is due on Thursday, April 14th (since Friday is a PA Day).
On Thursday, April 14th from 9:00 to 11:30 am it's our 100 BOOKS PARTY! Please join us to celebrate the reading and writing activities of the students in Room 204.
We need SNACKS for our party! We will have over 250 people come through our class and we need lots of food for our guests. Cookies, chips, crackers and cut-up fruit are good choices. The food needs to be nut-free and easy to eat with your fingers. This is the only time of year that I request food from the parents and I appreciate everyone helping to make our party a success.
Important dates:
April 14 9:00 to 11:30 am it's our 100 BOOKS PARTY! Please join us to celebrate the reading and writing activities of the students in Room 204.
April 15 - PA Day - no classes 
May 5 - Family Math Night - more information to follow
May 23 - Victoria Day - no classes

The students made bookmarks to give our party guests next week to thank 
them for coming to our celebration.

The children each planted two of his/her germinated bean plants in soil.

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