Sunday, November 15, 2015

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to write a fiction story in the homework writing journal with the title, "A World of my Own", based on a read aloud book the students heard and discussed this week. Please make sure your child remembers the details of the "editing promise" taped to the front of the journal. Many stories are handed in that have not been edited by the students to find/correct mistakes before I read the work. Also there is a math worksheet reviewing two-dimensional (2D) geometry concepts. This homework is due on  Friday, November 20th.

Note to parents

1. Please have your child bring "indoor shoes" to school. The students are tracking in mud and sand into the classroom and we had lots of sand on our new rug this ants! No kidding!

2. Please write your child's name on ALL his/her belongings that they bring to school. Almost daily we have issues of lost water bottles, sweaters etc. 

3. Report cards will go home on December 10th. I will send home an interview sign up sheet the week before that date. Please let me know if you would like an interview before that time.

4. Lindsay Wotherspoon, our class parent, still needs some parent emails to add to her group email list. If you would like to be a part of these mailings, please contact her at Lindsay is also responsible for the Scholastic Book Club orders for our class. The monthly book club is a fundraising activity and club orders provide some money to buy books for our classroom library. The current book club flyers were sent home with children on Friday.

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