Sunday, September 13, 2015

Update from Ms. R

Welcome to Planet 5 News!

Every week I will post the news from our class here. I usually manage to post by Sunday morning but sometimes it's a bit later...

Here you will find photos, sometimes videos and information about what happened in Room 204 that week. I will also post the homework information and any pertinent news for parents.

Here's to a great school year as we all grow and learn together!

* The homework for this week is to complete the "A Little Bit About Me" worksheet (both sides). This homework is due on Friday, September 18th.


In our classroom, there are TWO kinds of homework. There is daily homework and weekly homework.

Daily homework must be done everyday. It consists of TWO things: reviewing the word wall words and reading. First, the word wall words (spelling) that are assigned for the week need to be practiced in preparation for the "test" each Friday. These words will be written in the child's agenda every Monday. (Please note that we are still waiting for our agendas to for the time being the children will be writing their words on a piece of paper to take home each day.) Second, it is expected that children read for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Your child can read books from home, from the library, from the school library or from our class Borrow-A-Book program. (This program will begin next week.)

Weekly homework is assigned every Friday and is due the following Friday (or Thursday if there is no school on the Friday). This homework consists of math and language work. This work is review and your child should be able to complete the work independently. I post the homework on the blog every week.

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