Saturday, April 4, 2015

News for April 2

News for April 2

This four-day week the students learned about two holidays that are observed this time of year: the Jewish holiday of Passover and the Christian holiday of Easter. Easter was a very important holiday for many people in Canada from the time it became a country in 1867. That is why Canadians have a holiday on Good Friday and Easter Monday. After boiling eggs in hot water, the students sprinkled wax crayon pieces on the hot eggs and the wax melted together to create patterns on the eggs.

In math, the students looked at fractions of a set of objects. Using math cubes the children practised dividing groups of cubes into different equal groups. The children are required to recognize fractional parts of a whole and of a set.

In writing, all the sock creature books are now finished and on display in the hallway outside of our classroom. The children wrote individual biographies of their sock creatures and used this info to make small books to hang around the neck of their creatures.

We visited our Learning Buddies in the Room 103 kindergarten. This week the kindergarten students taught the Room 5 students a card game to help the young children understand and practice their "10 facts" or the combinations of two numbers that add to ten.

In art, the children learned about the Mona Lisa. They learned the story of what historians know, and don't know, about Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting. Did you know that da Vinci loved this painting so much that he never gave it away or sold it? He took it everywhere with him. The class learned the details of the Mona Lisa by colouring in parts of it, to make their own interpretation of the painting.

In social studies, the children focused on the daily lives of people who lived in Canada over 200 years ago. One thing many had to do was to make their own clothing and household items. The students learned about the story of wool from sheep to yarn. The class participated in dyeing naturally white wool (from New Brunswick) with Kool-aid to make a variety of different colours.

The students did a whole class choral reading of the play Canada, Here We Come (changed from Oregon, Here We Come to reflect the pioneer experience in Canada). This is a longer and more challenging play than our previous effort. The children will perform the plays in their groups next week.

In computers, the students visited the sited to play the game 20 questions electronically.

Books read aloud this week:

Pelle's New Suit by Elsa Beskow
Jack and the Beanstalk retold by Susan Pearson
The Easter Egg by Jan Brett
The Matzah Man by Naomi Howland.

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