Sunday, February 1, 2015

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to write a story in the homework writing journal based on the time of your child's choosing on the analog clockstamped in his/her journal. There is also a math sheet reviewing analog and digital time. This homework is due on Friday, February 6th.

On Monday, I will be sending home a form to book a parent/teacher interview with me. The TDSB specifies that only selected interviews be held at this time, BUT, I like to see everyone! I love to speak to parents personally to talk about the amazing things the children are doing in Room 5. If you would like to come to the class to see and talk about your child's work, please fill in the form and I will send home a confirmation note with your child.

February may be the coldest, shortest month in the Canadian winter, but it sure has a lot of special days. Here is a listing:

February Special Days:

February 2 - Groundhog Day
February 6 - 100th Day of School
February 11 - Term 1 Report Cards go home
February 12 (evening) and February 13 (morning) - Parent /Teacher interviews
February 13 - P.A. Day - no classes
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 15 - Flag Day - Canada's flag turns 50 years old this year.
February 16 - Family Day holiday
February 17 - Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras/Pancake Tuesday
February 19 - Chinese New Year begins
February 24 - Author Michael Wade visits our school
February 26 - Carnivale! An all-day school celebration

February has also been designated as Black History Month

Whew! That's a lot for 28 days!

Finally, as we say goodbye to January, I should mention that our "doubling" or "multiplying by 2" experiment started with a one-digit number on Jan. 1 and ended with a ten-digit number on Jan.31. Or, if put in the terms of money, we started the month with $1 and doubled the amount every day for 31 days and ended up with $1,073,741,824, over one billion dollars! The class learned the power of doubling and had a lot of practice reading multi-digit numbers.

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