Sunday, October 26, 2014

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is for each student to complete a reading survey. There is also a math sheet reviewing two-digit addition and subtraction without regrouping and some practice word problems. This homework is due on Friday, October 31st.


1. I apologize but I will not be able to attend our Multicultural Night on Wednesday. I've been invited by the Director of Education's office to attend a TDSB dinner that night. But I will bake brownies...

2. I will be sending out a sign up sheet for Parent/Teacher interviews by the end of this week.

3. The school's policy for Halloween states that costume masks and weapons are not allowed, for the safety of the children. We ask that students wait to dress up after lunch for our school's Halloween Parade.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me or write a note in your child's agenda.

Important Dates:

October 29 - Multicultural Night (6:00-7:30)
October 31 - Halloween - The parade is in the afternoon.
November 11 - Remembrance Day
November 12 - Progress Reports go home
November 13 (evening) and Nov. 14 (AM) - Parent/Teacher interviews
November 14 - P. A. Day - no classes
December 5 - P. A. Day - no classes
December 19 - Last day of classes for 2014
January 5 - First day of classes for 2015

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