Saturday, October 19, 2013

News for October 18

News for October 18

Another four-day week, but as usual, the students covered a lot of ground.

In math, we began the unit on Patterning. This week we focused on repeating patterns. The students learned the specific vocabulary for talking about repeating patterns: pattern core, terms and attribute. The children made patterns with their bodies and then took objects around the classroom and made their own repeating patterns. Then they made a class book of repeating patterns by creating a page for each pattern. Each page has a photo and the question, "What comes next in the pattern?" On the other side of the page is the answer and a description of the pattern core.

In social studies, each student presented their poster information linking their heritage country to the world map. The students interviewed each other about their "tooth traditions" in their families. They also interviewed each other about their favourite holiday traditions.

The class learned more about how to listen for the individual sounds in words (called phonemes) and how they can use these sounds to help them write down words and to read words. The students played a game called "Word Ladders". In this game, the children add, take away and move around letters to make new words that match clues.

The students created story planners for their next fiction stories by planning and making illustrations on fancy framed paper. The class will use these "visual planners" to help them write their stories next week.

The students used what they know about repeating patterns to create patterned bracelets using small, coloured elastic bands. After designing several bracelets on paper, each child chose one design to make. It was tough to get the elastics to cooperate! But with the help of "expert students", everyone managed to make a bracelet and some managed to make a lot more!

In science, the research groups reviewed the information they know about goldfish and snails and organized the questions that still need to be answered. The class read the words to "The Goldfish Song" Laurie Berkner, then listened to and sang along with the song. Click here to watch a video of the song:

The Goldfish Song video...

In the computer lab this week, the students explored the educational games site:

Books read aloud this week:

Throw Your Tooth on the Roof - Tooth Traditions From Around the World by Selby B. Beeler
I Want a Dog by Dayal Kaur Khalsa (We discussed how the author/illustrator based the cover illustration on the painting "Sunday Afternoon on La Grande Jette" by Georges Seurat (French, 1884)
Pattern Fish by Trudy Harris

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