Saturday, March 2, 2013

News for March 1

News for March 1

This week the students started a project sponsored by the Canadian company Kobo Inc. Our class was chosen to do some research on using the Kobo ereader (electronic tablet computer) in the classroom. Kobo is interested in learning how the ereaders can be used in schools and the opinion of the students.

In math, the students reviewed the questions on last week's math test on measurement. These tests were sent home on Wednesday. The new unit is on motion geometry (different ways a two-dimensional shape can move on a flat surface). The students learned about slides (translations), flips (reflections) and turns (rotations), as well as, symmetry (and how to use mirras).

All the students are finally finished their chapter books. (Now the big job is for me to type all the projects!) Each child had a chance to try and create a special book project. The challenge with this project was to make a book (with front and back covers, story and illustrations) that fits in a small plastic container.

In cursive writing, the class has now learned 10 letters altogether, a, c, d, e, f, g, h, l, p, t.

In our pioneer unit, the students did lots of activities this week. First, each student received a red kerchief. A kerchief was very useful to a person 200 years ago as a hankerchief, neckerchief, head scarf and napkin.Together, we read a story about visiting a general store. The children each created a Venn diagram to compare pioneer life and modern life. The class watched a video about early Canadian settlers. The students learned how to dye sheep's wool with Kool-Aid. Using hot water, Kool-Aid and vinegar (vinegar helps to set the colour), the students worked in groups to dye green, blue, pink and red wool. Finally, in the pioneer spirit, the children made a loom out of cardboard and used the yarn they dyed to start weaving a bookmark.

In computers, the students practiced their motion geometry by playing a robot building game. Here is the link:

On Friday, our class was invited to the gym to listen to the annual Speech Arts Contest, for grades 4,5 and 6. It's important for grade 3 students to attend this contest as they will be expected to write and give their own speeches next year when they are in grade 4.

This week, our kindergarten reading buddies came to visit us in our class for a change. The children did a cooperative art and writing activity together then sat down to read books together.

Books read aloud this week:

Stuck by Oliver Jeffers
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
Pelle's New Suit by Elsa Beskow
Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers
Big Book of Farm Animals by Teruyuki Kamiya

***The Room 5 Interview Show will return next week!

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