It was a very busy week at school with a special event on each day. On Monday, the students went to an assembly to hear Paul Rosen talk about perseverance. Mr. Rosen was a hockey player who, due to an accident, lost part of his right leg. He went on to be the goalie for Canada's paraolympic sledge hockey team that won a gold medal. On Tuesday, the students and staff duct-taped Ms. Farrelly to the wall of the gym as a fundraiser for cancer research. On Wednesday, it was picture day at school and our class and each student had his/her photo taken. On Thursday, the whole school went for the entire school day, to Varsity arena to see the University of Toronto hockey team play against the team from Ryerson University. On Friday, we had a recognition assembly celebrating our monthly focus on responsibility.
In class the students finished their "How To Make A Pillow" posters with their written instructions and photos. These are now on display on the bulletin board in the hall outside of our classroom. The children also practiced their editing skills on pre-written passages to help them with the editing of their own work. Later in the week, the students created sock puppets and wrote a "character sketch" about the creature they made.
In math the students continued to practice their mental math strategies and place value blocks strategies for solving two-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping. Later in the week, they learned the standard pencil and paper algorithm and how it relates to place value.
Our integrated research project (science/structures and social studies/maps) got underway with the students learning how to create an effective poster and how to use stencil letters to create a clear title.Later in the week the students began their research by learning how to use encyclopedias.
In the computer lab, the students visited the site, to practice math skills.
Books read aloud this week:
Bunnicula by Deborah and James Howe (chapter book - now finished)
What? Cried Granny by Kate Lum
Learning ASL with Room 5 - Episode 7
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