This week, the class spent a lot of time talking and reading about people are different and how to accept yourself for who you are.
The children learned to read a poem called "Me". (A copy of this poem was sent home with your child on Friday for her/him to read to you.) We read several books (and watched a video!) about characters who think they will be happier if they changed something about themselves. However, in each case, in the end they realize that they are special and happy just the way they are. As usual, more information about the books we read each week can be found at our sister blog at http://planet5books.blogspot.com.
The students are enjoying learning about the adventures of Corduroy the bear (AM class) and Frosty the snowman (PM class) as they make their rounds to the children's homes. Right now these FamilyLiteracy Bags have gone with about half of the students in the classes.
The children each wrote a short story about his/her sock puppet. They taped a photo of themselves with the puppet and wrote about the puppet's name and what they liked to do. This is a good exercise in story writing as the child has to create a character. These stories are now on display in the hallway outside our classroom.

We also talked more about the map of Canada. The students worked on several different puzzles illustrating Canada.
In math, the class continued to participate in daily surveys. This week, I asked the class to suggest questions to ask the class. We learned that most children like chocolate, about half the class like transformers, everyone likes to play and nobody can drive a real car!
Students in the afternoon class created a movie theatre experience in the big blocks centre (see photo).
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