Saturday, February 26, 2011

Update from Ms. R

This week, the students learned the poem "Pancakes!". A copy of this poem was send home with your child on Friday. Please have your child read this poem with you.

Starting next week, both classes will start a project that requires parent support. Each day, the star student will bring home a bag that has a book, a stuffed toy and a journal. The students will be instructed to read the book with an adult and do something with the toy. Next, draw and write about what you did with the toy in the journal. Please know, that students are all at different levels of writing abilility in kindergarten, and you may have to scribe the words of your child. Have your child draw in the journal, and then, together decide what to write in the journal. Finally, put the book, toy and journal back in the bag and return it to school. It is very important to return the bag the next day as we will read the journal to the class each day. Remember, the bag has to go through all the children in the class and that will take about a month (20 school days)!

Thank you, in advance, for your support of this class project.

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