Saturday, January 8, 2011

Update from Ms. R

This week was spent getting back into the routines of kindergarten (for the students and their teacher!). Please remember to encourage your child to get their outdoor gear on independently. I know it is faster to help your child, but many children need the practise. Here is the order that we talk about at school: shoes off, snowpants on, boots on, jacket on, hat and scarf on, backpack on and mittens on last.

A poem, The Snowman, was sent home on Friday. Please read this poem with your child by having them point to the words as he/she says them.

Please let me know if you are able to volunteer on Thursday, January 20th as we have a visiting scientist coming to our class ( We need 4 volunteers for the morning class and 4 volunteers for the afternoon class. Thanks!

A pink form was sent home to the junior kindergarten families about the possibility of your child entering French Immersion Senior Kindergarten next year. The deadline for completed forms is February 4th. If you have questions about this program there is an Open House on January 27th at 7:00 PM in the gym.

Important Dates:

January 17 (AM) and January 18 (PM) - Police officer Marcie visits our classroom.
January 20 - Scientists In The Schools - science activities (magnets)
January 21 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
January 27 - French Immersion Open House (gym) - 7 PM

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