This week the classes talked about peace as part of our discussion of Remembrance Day. The students learned about the poppy flower as a symbol for this day and how it says "peace" without using words. We read "The Peace Book" that reminded us that peace comes in many forms. Kindness to others, thinking about loved ones and sharing, are all ways of peaceful living. The children also learned a song called "Deep Peace" and practised the American sign language signs that go along with the lyrics:
Deep peace of the running waves to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the flowing wind to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
We started a unit on colours this week. The children used what they know about colour to help them practise the math concept of "sorting" as well as the words "same" and "different". The students sorted all different kinds of objects by colour. We also started to write our class book for November based on colours. Their favourite colours were written on chart paper and then each student practised "touch reading" (touching the words as he/she says them) his/her sentence.
The students practiced the capital letters M and N. Junior students used the magnet boards and the senior students wrote in their workbooks. We also started to talk about the capital letter H.
The classes worked hard to create new name cards. We use these name cards as an attendance activity at the beginning of the day. The children practised their capital letters and keeping the letters the same size.
As always, the details of the books we read together this week can be found at:
This is a photo of our gym teacher, Mr. Hinrichsen, helping students put gym equipment away.
Here is a video of students feeding our pet fish, Alpha, Beta and George:
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