Saturday, October 2, 2010

News for October 1

News for October 1
Room 101 was a busy place as usual this week!
On Monday, our school participated in the annual Terry Fox Run. In the morning, the children met out in the field and the kindergarten students ran around the track. In the afternoon, we had the field all to ourselves as we ran around the track.
My friend, Joan came to visit the class this week to talk to the children about American Sign Language and to teach the children how to do the signs for our national anthem, "Oh Canada". A video of Joan signing the national anthem can be found at the end of this posting.
The children went to the gym this week to get their photos taken. We also had a class photo taken. The proofs will be sent home to families in 1-2 weeks.
The students, in addition to our regular activities, had a chance to assemble wood puzzles with geometric shapes, string wooden beads and play a math matching card game (matching numerals to repeated drawings of the same number). The children know that one of the reasons to go to try these activities is to exercise the small muscles in their fingers (necessary for fine-motor development).

The students are showing great creativity as they cooperate in group play. A boat and a jet plane were built in the "big blocks" centre this week. Some children decided to use materials from the "house centre" to create a picnic.

As a link to the read aloud book, "One Watermelon Seed", we studied popcorn. The students had a chance to look at a real cob of corn, dried popcorn kernels and, of course, we popped some popcorn. We also had a wonderful time as we sat down together to share the snack. Some comments heard were:
"I can smell the popcorn!"
"I can hear the popcorn popping."
"It tastes so good."
"Ms. R, can we do this again?"
As always, details of the books we read together can be found at our companion blog:
Here is Joan signing "Oh Canada":


rob said...

Thanks very much for these wonderful updates.
Nina's parents

Nancy Rawlinson said...

You are very welcome. I feel that parents don't always have a complete idea of what we do in kindergarten everyday, so the blog information helps to start a conversation with your child. Remember to check out our companion blog that talks about the books we read together in class.
Ms. R