There were only four days of school this week but the students did lots of activities!
The children learned about blues music by first watching and listening to the "ambassador of the blues", B. B. King, sing a blues song. The children even got their own blues nickname (e.g., Blackjack Penner, Catfish Cole and Howlin' Wolf Michael). Then on Thursday afternoon, we had a visit from local blues musician, Brian Blain who played his guitar, told us about the history of blues music (and how it is related to rock music) and helped the class write the lyrics for our own blues song. A video of the class performing this song is at the end of this posting.
In math, the grade 2 students worked with Ms. Rodrigues learning about telling time. The grade 3 students finished up the unit on multiplication and division.
In social studies, the students worked in pairs to research how the Aboriginal people helped them with farming, medicine and coping with the challenges of winter. The children learned about how sheep were important to pioneers to provide wool for clothing, blankets and food. The class dyed wool (spun wool) and fleece (unspun wool) using Kool-aid. This dyed wool will be used in future projects.
In writing, the students finished writing their stories starring the sock puppets they created last week. They also chose their favourite book from the almost 100 books that have been read aloud so far this year. The children also folded small books from paper as invitations to families to join us celebrating reading 100 books together next Friday.
Ms. Rodrigues taught the students about foreground/background in paintings. The children then created their own background paintings as an art response to their favourite books.
In computers, the children practised telling time to the quarter hour and how to create a song using blues "sound bites":
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