This week the students finished up their "Not A Box" projects. Each child chose a small white box and used their imagination to image the box as something else (a treasure box, a football, a sponge...) and wrote a fiction story about it. Then they transformed their boxes into the story character. These stories and the "before and after" photos will be posted on the bulletin board outside the classroom next week.
In math, the students finished up the unit on patterning and place value. We practised using logic/reasoning to answer a variety of "Who am I?" activities. Also, the grade 3 students wrote their first practice math test.
Using the letters in the word "Thanksgiving", the students worked in pairs to create as many words as possible. The class came up with 45 different words!
In preparation for a display in the hallway, the children each chose a large cardboard letter to create part of the message "imagination". They used torn newspaper and glue to papier mache the letters to make the cardboard stronger.
We read the books, "Thanks For Thanksgiving" and "Stone Soup". The children learned about how when people work together, they can make something wonderful. And we did! We made homemade soup, fresh bread and our own butter.
The students wrote in their journals about being thankful for all the good things in their lives and about making the food. At the end of the day, we celebrated together by sharing the food we made.
(If you are interested in the recipe for the bread, please look at the October 9, 2008 posting on my recipe blog at ).
Finally the class watched the commercial for Cadbury chocolate, and practised the "eyebrow exercises" from the video. We will be making our own version of this commercial next week. The original video is below:
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