News for April 29
Another 4-day week for the students in Room 101!
This week, the students decorated the "tree" in our classroom to reflect spring. They used coloured tissue paper and glue to put leaves and flowers onto the branches. It's surprising, but this small change to our tree really brightened up our classroom.
The students are working hard on developing their reading strategies. It is important that children automate these strategies in order to improve their reading fluency/speed. The students are taught to use letter-sound knowledge, small word in the big word and clues from illustrations to help them decode (read) the words. One way we did this, was to use a read-along big book to read a variety of texts (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). As always, more information on the books shared in class can be found on our sister blog at:
We continued to talk about building structures. We read the book, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and talked about how buildings need a foundation to help make them more stable. The children reviewed the names and characteristics of 2-D shapes and then used these shapes to design buildings.
As we reached 40 more days of school, the classes are now counting backwards each day. We also continue to practise how to count by two's to ten.
Because of the weather, we had our physical play time indoors. One of the children's favourite games to play is The Freeze Game, as the students dance around to music.
Our afternoon class was happy to welcome Ms. Griffin to our class. Ms. Griffin is a student teacher from OISE/UT and she will be with us for 4 weeks.