This week the students learned about and celebrated Chinese New Year. We learned about what people do and eat to celebrate. In our class, we made fried rice with Chinese-style vegetables and ate it with chopsticks. We had oranges, jasmine tea in tiny cups, fortune cookies and Chinese candies.
In Science, the students worked in pairs to use what they learned about structures to make a "stable table". They could only use straws and masking tape to make a structure that was strong and stable enough to hold a "load" of books.
In math, the workbook group continued their study of multiplication and started learning the facts to 10. In theory there are 100 facts to learn but we studied the multiplication table and realized that they already know 79 facts easily and only 21 facts are actually "tricky". The clipboard group worked hard to learn two-digit subtraction with regrouping and how to properly answer a math word problem.
We learned about the pianist and composer Franz Liszt (1811-1885) and listened to his Hungarian Rhapsody #2. We watched and wrote about a movie about his life. The students also watched the pianist Lang Lang play this piece on the computer. You can watch his fingers fly at the piano here:
In art, we learned about the French artist Henri Matisse (1869-1954). At the end of his life his health did not allow him to stand and paint so he did collages with a technique he called "drawing with scissors". The students did a collage only using scissors and glue.
The class began to design a new kind of chair. They focused on what features to add to make it the perfect chair for them.