October 1st News
By: Alex and Raika
Yesterday, we made paintings using marbles and we also celebrated a Jewish holiday called Rash Ha-Shanah. We had apples and honey to celebrate. Today, we celebrated Eid and the end of Ramadan. We had delicious cookies for Eid that patterns on them that looked like the henna decorations for Muslim celebrations.
We learned about the forces of friction and gravity in science.
We learned about place value in math. We also got new textbooks and workbooks.
We got our scholastic book order forms.
Today, we went on a website called Starfall. http://www.starfall.com/
In library class, we read a book called 'The Principles New Clothes' with Ms. Mantello and it was very funny.
In music, we learned to sing a song called 'It's a beautiful morning'.
We raised $57.85 for cancer research during the Terry Fox Run.
In guided writing, we are writing instructions for the marble art. We made backwards stories and once we are all done we will put them up in the hall.
We are reading a book called 'Tootle' about a baby locomotive. It was in a list of the most popular books for kids.
From Alex and Raika