Saturday, January 26, 2013

News for January 24

News for January 24

We began the week discussing Martin Luther King Jr. Day. After reading Dr. King's biography, the students watched a clip of his famous "I have a dream" speech. 

We also learned about the life of the musician, Stevie Wonder, who wrote a song about Dr. King and campaigned for the recognition of his work for equality and peace by creating a holiday in his name. 

In math, the students did a class survey to determine which Pringle potato chip was the class' favourite. After writing down what each chip looked like, smelled like, felt like and tasted like, they voted and decided that they like the sour cream and onion flavour the best. Each student graphed the information and we talked about the results. Then the children discussed how we could use this information. Next the students wrote letters to the Proctor and Gamble company, the maker of Pringles chips. In the letters the children described the results of our survey and then wrote their ideas for new flavours and packaging for Pringles chips.
Later in the week, the students wrote the unit test for Data Management and Graphing. The class began the unit on measurement by reviewing the measurement of time through calendars, as well as, analog and digital clocks.
The students continued their social studies projects researching different countries. They learned about the meanings of words like population, currency and Internet country code. They also learned another method for creating chunky letters for putting titles on their posters.
In science, the students did group activities for hands-on learning about forces. Through experimenting with marble games, magnets and dominos, the children learned more about friction, gravity, magnetic and mechanical forces.
The class also had an opportunity this week to watch a play in the gym based on the story, The Shoemaker and the Elves.
In the computer lab this week the children had a chance to visit the Pringles chips site and other sites with kid-friendly activities:

Books read aloud this week:

Martin Luther King Jr. by Garnet Jackson
Little Stevie Wonder by Quincy Troupe
Gravity All Around by David Conrad
Thing Thing by Carey Fagan

The Room 5 Interview Show! This week, Amy and Lemaan interviewed Ms. Laura.

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